PLANC 8th Quadrennial Conference:
Predicting Pre-Law
New Orleans, June 10-13, 2024
We know budgets continue to be a challenge and that figuring out how to pay for professional development can be a barrier. PLANC has taken steps to provide attendees with a high value experience for a moderate level expense, starting with keeping the registration rates for both Pre-Law Advisors and Additional Law School Representatives at the same level they would have been in 2020, and working with the conference hotel to keep the same room rate as it was in 2020. We've beaten inflation!
Below is a treasure chest of resources to help you get approval and funding to join us in New Orleans including documents to provide to your department, a conference expense budget calculator, ideas on how to advocate for attending, and details on scholarships and subsidies generously provided by the regional Associations for Pre-Law Advisors (APLAs).
Click on the sections below to access each of these resources!